Selection process at dolphin consultants is based on a structured and systematic approach, which is Proactive, detailed and target oriented. This process begins with understanding the client’s requirements and goes all the way to post recruitment follow-up with both client and candidate.

The key principal of our search methodology focus on:

  • Understanding the client organization with regard to existing business activities, organization structure, culture and future growth plans.
  • Mapping position specific competencies including job title, deliverables, principal accountabilities and other relevant details.
  • Establishing contact once we have determined a mutual interest in pursuing specific candidates. Candidates are contacted and apprised of the opportunity for eliciting their interest in the position.
  • Evaluating candidates with the aim of determining a profile match with the job, their career aspirations and suitability in the context and culture of client organization.
  • Negotiations for the final candidate’s compensation and requirements if required assist in completing the hiring arrangements.
  • Post joining follow-ups with the client and candidate ensuring smooth transition within the organization.
  • We view every assignment as unique and adopt a flexible approach to attract and hire the best talent available in the market. We draw upon experience gained in previous searches and deliver not just a set of candidate, but also a discussion on market availability, comparative benchmarking and the best solution for our clients.
  • Using Job portal Integration Software